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Constr.png The translation checking and actualizing
Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms Type Author Description
SMH2Gi Segnetics SMH2Gi 1.0 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM DAQ Roman Savochenko Data acquisition and control by Segnetics SMH2Gi ( hardware interfaces and modules.


The module provides functions of integration of OpenSCADA to environment of programming panel controller with OS Linux SMH2Gi (Fig.1) from firm Segnetics. The module was developed for project "Automatic system of control of vacuum technological process".

Fig.1. SMH2Gi controller.

"SMH 2Gi" — programming logical controller, aimed for automation of engineer systems of buildings and technological processes of industry.

Specifics of the controller "SMH 2Gi":

1. High modularity level. You do not need pay for unused channels and interfaces. To base resources added next functions:
a. Enchantment of input-output channels by connection of an adjustment module "MC" and expansion modules "MR".
b. Working into the networks Lonworks and Ethernet.
c. Working with USB-modems, channels CSD, GPRS, EDGE, 3G
d. Working into VPN, working through the internet and local networks
2. At a new module addition you unneeded for the PLC dismantling and disassembling. It made significant simplify the work into process of a system expanding and configuring.
3. Free programming by the instrument "SMLogix" assistance in addition with the configuring program "SMConstructor" which allow you to create control programs quickly and to adapt it for a concrete object.
4. Full programming compatibility with the controllers "SMH2010", "Pixel" and "SMH 2G". You unneeded for a program re-creation.
5. Possibility to work into networks, built on Modbus and Ethernet into the device's role as Slave or Master.
6. Graphical display, which allow you show different objects of visualization, trends of processes and text of different sizes.

Table 1: SMH2Gi specification

Naming Type (Value)
Nominal supplying voltage 24 V of DC ± 5%
Allowed range of the supplying voltage 18…36 V DC
Power consumption No more to 5 W without "МС" module and more then 10 W with the "МС" connection
Processor, memory
Control processor, bus band width Freescale iMX27 with the core ARM926EJ-S, 32 bit
Working CPU frequency 400 MHz
Operational system Linux 2.6.29
The operational memory type and size 64 Mbyte (or 128 Mbyte) DDR dependent from the model
Content memory type and size 128 MByte NAND Flash
RS-232 Speed – from 2400 … to 115200 bit/s; without optical isolation; protocol – Modbus RTU; socket to connection – terminal block (needed additional coupler to DB-9)
RS-485 Speed – to 2400…115200 bit/s; with optical isolation; protocol – Modbus RTU; socket to connection – terminal block
USB Host Support standard USB 2.0; socket for connection – USB type A (big socket);
USB Device Socket for connection – USB type miniAB (small socket)
Ethernet Embedded, 10/100Mbit; supported protocols: FTP, HTTP and other. Socket for connection – type RJ-45
Additional network modules LONworks, modules for specific order
User interface
Keyboard 23 buttons
Graphical display Type – STN, monochrome 192 х 64 dots; diagonal - 4.1"
Sound alarming Missing
Discrete inputs
Inputs number 3…5 galvanic isolated inputs (the number configures in a program) with counter inputs support up to 10 kHz
Type of the galvanic isolation Grouped
Triggering voltage's levels Closed "dry" contact ≤1.1В. Opened "dry" contact ≥4.2В DC (lesser to 50В)
Discrete outputs
Number and type: 2 transistor outputs (without a galvanic isolation)
SMH 2Gi – 0XXX – XX – Х 1 optorele
SMH 2Gi – 1XXX – XX – Х 2 optorele
Working voltage range For outputs on transistors: 0…36 В DC. For outputs on optorele: 0…36 В DC; 0…25 В (rms) AC.
Switched current, lesser 0.4 А to each output
Switching time, lesser 1.5 ms
"Contacts" resource, switches, lesser No limited

OpenSCADA project assembling for an environment of processor ARM926EJ-S and OS Linux grounds on GCC-4.3.2, Glibc-2.8, Binutils-2.18 and Kernel-2.6.29 was done long enough and it described by the link. But in an exploitation process was is a need of a direct data acquisition from modules "MC" and "MR", and interaction with the original environment "SMLogix".

At all we need to note that the original environment of SMH2Gi represent by two processes: "mbs" and "logix". Where "mbs" performs a function of acquisition of modules MC, MR and other interfaces and "logix" performs programs execution and visualization to the embedded screen. On the modules MС and MR configuring to frequent acquisition the process "mbs" can use more then 30% of the processor's resources into the system loading then it is leave few resources to all other tasks, and it mostly reloads the processor. Replacing the process "mbs" (disabled into the file "/projects/start") into OpenSCADA allow you to remove that kind system loading by using function select() of the operation system at work with the serial interfaces. And working with the process "logix" by the shared memory allow you to bypass a problem of a low priority of the network interface.

Into this version implemented the data acquisition and the values transmission to the process "logix" by the shared memory, also the values acquisition and transmission from/to modules MC and MR.

The module implements functions of horizontal redundancy that is accordance working with a remote station of the same level.

1 1. General provisions

To the modules MC and MR working needs a previous initial procedure which must send tune-request, specified to the module concrete model. Next to a data request/send you need an information about the module structure. This kind information is contained into INI-files, per file to the device. Folder with INI-files specified into tab "SMH2Gi" by the module page (Figure 1), and the typical *.INI files archive, adapted to OpenSCADA needs, allowed here.

Fig.1. Tab "SMH2Gi" of the module page.

2 Controller's object

The controller's object describes a task of SMH2Gi data acquisition of the two types: "SHM" and "MRC" (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Configuration tab of a controller object.

In assistance with the tab you can set:

At.png Due to the fact that the modules MC and MR needs to previous reset and next send the tune-request then an independent physical connection, disconnecting and also object single module enabling/disabling often impossible without the controller's object stopping and disabling at all.

3 Parameter's object of controller

The parameter's object is a direct agent of the data source, in our case this is shared memory and MC, MR modules. Each the type represented into different way.

3.1 Shared memory

The parameter's type "Shared memory (SHM)" uses for interaction with the process "logix" through exchanging by variables. The parameter's object configuration tab of this type shown on Figure 3. The process "logix" provides four variable's types with it reflection to OpenSCADA data source's attributes into next way:

Fig.3. Configuration tab of the parameter's type "Shared memory".

In assistance with the tab of parameter's object configuration you can set:

The tab "Attributes" example shown into Figure 4.

Fig.4. Tab "Attributes" of a parameter's object of the shared memory.

3.2 Modules MC and MR

The parameter's type "Modules MC and MR (MRC)" uses for access to the modules MC and MR data. The parameter's object configuration tab of the type shown on Figure 5. The parameter's type is generic for the modules MC and MR by mostly like working with a difference only it's installation bus, that is taken in account by the module address sign.

Fig.5. Configuration tab of the parameter's type "Modules MC and MR".

In assistance with the tab of parameter's object configuration you can set:

The tab "Attributes" example shown into Figure 6. On Figure 7 shown tab "Configuration" which contains all configuration fields of the tune-request and the discrete signals inversion.

Fig.6. Tab "Attributes" of a parameter's object of a module MC.
Fig.7. Tab "Configuration" of a parameter of a module MC.

4 Links

INI-files archive with configuration of the modules MC and MR: File:SMH2Gi_ini.tgz

Modules/SMH2Gi/en - GFDLMarch 2025OpenSCADA 0.9.8