Libs/Electrical elements

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Name Version License Source Languages Author Icon Description
Electrical elements library of the user interface 2.0 GPLv2 vcaElectroEls.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_ElectroEls en, uk, ru Roman Savochenko
  Maxim Lysenko (2009)
LibElectricalElements.png Provides the mnemonic elements library of the user interface of the electrical substations and the electricity generation station.

The library is created to provide mnemonic elements of the user interface and it contains graphic elements, often need when forming the user interface of the electrical substations and the electricity generation station. The library is built mostly on the primitive "ElFigure" basis and the internal programming language JavaLikeCalc.

The element's names and their parameters are available in languages: English, Ukrainian and mRussian. Their source code wrote in the human-language independent mode with calls for the translations by the function tr() and the message's translation also allowed for English, Ukrainian and mRussian.

For connection the library to a project of the OpenSCADA station you can obtain the database file as:

sqlite3 -init vcaElectroEls.sql vcaElectroEls.db .exit

This obtained file next you can place into the project directory of the station and create the database object for the DB module "SQLite", registering the database file in the configuration.


1 Passive and static screen elements

The elements in Figure 1 serve to construct electrical networks, on the top, and to place into or about the wires as the passive static elements. By default, the angle of rotation is 0° and the mirroring disabled.

Fig.1. Elements of the electrical networks.

Elements of the electrical networks include, from the left to the right and from the top to the bottom:

Name (identifier) Version License Author
The first row
Electric horizontal connector (El_lhor)
Conductive connection, line or tire, horizontal, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Electric vertical connector (El_lvert)
Conductive connection, line or tire, vertical, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Distribution bus (conBus) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Grounding (El_Zemlia)
Grounding, according to GOST 2.721-74
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Sharp (Sharp)
Three lines, designation of a three-phase power transmission line
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Double arrow (arrowSharp)
Double arrow, designation of outboard equipment
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
The second row
Inductance (Induct)
Inductance, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Reactor (reactor)
Reactor according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Fuse (fuse1)
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Voltage limiter (limU) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Load 1 (load1) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Load 2 (load2) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
The third row
Transformer (tr) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Transformer 1 (tr1) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Tr: one secondary winding (trDuo)
Transformer with one secondary winding, according to GOST 2.723-6
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Tr: star in triangle (trStarTriangl)
Transformer three-phase, star in triangle
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Tr: triangle in star (trTrianglStar)
Transformer three-phase, triangle in star
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Tr: triangle in star, horizontal (trTrianglStarH)
Transformer three-phase, triangle in star, horizontal
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Tr: two secondary winding (trTrio)
Transformer with two secondary winding, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
The fourth row
Battery (battery)
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Converter: direct to direct (converterDC_DC)
Direct current to direct converter, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Converter: alternating to direct (converterAC_DC)
Alternating current to direct converter, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Source: alternating current (srcAC)
AC power source, according to GOST 2.723-68
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Circumference (El_Krug) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Triangle (triangle) 1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko

Using — development
These widgets can be used by the developer to create mnemonic schemes of the electricity networks. By rotation and mirroring these widgets you can get all the needed combinations. By scaling, you can set the desired connector width where, for straight sections, the "x" and "y" axis scales may be different, determining the typical connector width on the mnemonic scheme and the length of its individual section, respectively. To use it you need to add selected ones to a mnemonic scheme, systematically adjust for the geometry and visually connect properly the needed elements by the the connector, see Addition 1 for the details. For the purpose of systematic and simplified work, you may prepare only first elements and for other elements of the electric network use ready copies of these already prepared and placed items.

Using — runtime
In the runtime mode, these elements look the same as in the development mode because they are not dynamic.

2 Active and dynamic elements

The section elements is used to control and display the discrete apparatus' status on basis of the discrete signals, which designed for use in the electrical networks.

2.1 Actual active elements

The elements on Figure 2.2 is actual ones currently to use as the dynamic and active items of the electrical schemes. The elements commonly use and represent the representative structure of the DAQ-template of the discrete block in different visual variants.

Fig.2.2. Discrete electrical devices in the development and runtime modes (top to bottom).

Elements of the electrical networks include, from the left to the right:

Name (identifier) Version License Author
Key, unified (keyUnif)
Unified simple key
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Switch, unified (swUnif)
Unified simple switch
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
General state, unified (stGenUnif)
Unified general state, usually for the contactors
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Area state, unified (stAreaUnif)
Unified general status of groups and areas of static elements by the colored and dashed box
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko

Using — development
These widgets can be used by the developer to create mnemonic schemes of the electricity networks with the state displaying and control of the discrete devices. By rotation and mirroring these widgets you can get all the needed combinations. By scaling, you can set the desired geometric dimensions relative to the overall dimensions of the electric network. To use it you need to add selected ones to a mnemonic scheme, systematically adjust for the geometry and visually connect properly the needed elements by the the connector, see Addition 1 for the details, and link to the data source parameter. For the purpose of systematic and simplified work, you may prepare only first elements and for other elements of the electric network use ready copies of these already prepared and placed items.

Using — runtime
In the runtime mode, in the main field of the elements, there are represented the apparatus symbolic shape with a dynamic sign of the discrete status, what related to values of the discrete signals of the parameter and the attribute digStts configuration. At the hardware errors and non validity the data, it draws not solid.

In the active mode of the element, pressing the left mouse button in the widget body will cause to appear in the panels area for control panel of the parameter, and the selection of this widget will be displayed with the blinking structure color. The commands are duplicated in the context menu that appears when the right mouse button is pressed in the widget area.

Linking and configuring the attributes

Identifier Name Type Configuration Configuration template Description
code Parameter: code String Input link Parameter|NAME Short name of the parameter to be inserted in actions of the user-operator.
DESCR Description String Input link Parameter|DESCR Description or long name of the parameter to be inserted in actions of the user-operator.
st_open Parameter: state - "Opened" Boolean Input link Parameter|st_open The state "Opened" of the parameter or the common state of the switch at missing the state signal "Closed".
st_close Parameter: state - "Closed" Boolean Input link Parameter|st_close The state "Closed" of the parameter.
digStts Statuses String Input link Parameter|digStts Configuration of the parameter statuses with the structure {openedLabel}-{color};{closedLabel}-{color}, for the discrete block.
com Parameter: command - "Open" Boolean Full link Parameter|com The command "Open" of the parameter or the common command of the switch at missing the command signal "Close".
close Parameter: command - "Close" Boolean Full link Parameter|close The command "Close" of the parameter.
digComs Commands String Input link Parameter|digComs Configuration of the parameter commands with the structure {openLabel}-{color};{closeLabel}-{color}, for the discrete block, and {com1Label}-{color};{com2Label}-{color};...;{comNLabel}-{color}, for the code status.
Only for the "Area state, unified (stAreaUnif)"
st_open Parameter: state - "Opened" Boolean Input link Parameter|st_open The state "Opened" of the parameter or the common state of the switch at missing the state signal "Closed".
st_close Parameter: state - "Closed" Boolean Input link Parameter|st_close The state "Closed" of the parameter.
digStts Statuses String Input link Parameter|digStts Configuration of the parameter statuses with the structure {openedLabel}-{color};{closedLabel}-{color}, for the discrete block.

2.2 Deprecated active elements

At.png The old elements on Figure 2.1 are originally developed by Maxim Lysenko and their are mostly useless currently due to they disadvantages: difficulty of fitting, unneeded dubling and non-standard — the geometry is not 100x100 and having the specific linking. Some newer elements of Roman Savochenko are also mean as deprecated due to yet using the specific linking.

Fig.2.1. Deprecated discrete electrical devices, in the development mode only.

Elements of the electrical networks include, from the left to the right and from the top to the bottom:

Name (identifier) Version License Author
One-way key (El_KeySqr_1)
One-way key, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, open (El_KeySqr_1_tst)
One-way key, normally open, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection (El_KeySqr_2) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection, open (El_KeySqr_2_tst) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, auto (El_KeySqr_3)
One-way key, automatic, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, auto, open (El_KeySqr_3_tst)
One-way key, automatic, open, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, circle (El_Key_1)
One-way key, circle, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, circle, open (El_Key_1_tst)
One-way key, circle, open, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection, circle (El_Key_2) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection, circle, open (El_Key_2_tst) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, auto, circle (El_Key_3) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
One-way key, auto, circle, open (El_Key_3_tst) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection 2 (El_KeySqr_6)
Key-protection 2, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key-protection 2, open (El_KeySqr_6_tst)
Key-protection 2, open, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Switch with neutral positions, open (El_KeySqr_5) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Switch with neutral positions (El_KeySqr_5_tst) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Switch (El_Key_h) 1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Two-way key, auto (El_KeySqr_4)
Two-way key, automatic, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Two-way key, auto, open (El_KeySqr_4_tst)
Two-way key, automatic, open, according to GOST 2.755-87
1.0 GPLv2 Maxim Lysenko
Key (key)
Simple key
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
Switch (sw)
Simple switch
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
General state (stGen)
General state, usually for contactors
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko
General state 1 (stGen1)
General status of the group for boxing elements included
1.0 GPLv2 Roman Savochenko

Using — development
These elements are counted as the deprecated ones, but their are remained in the library for the compatibility and you yet may use them as a base for your own elements with the like shapes.

Linking and configuring the attributes

Identifier Name Type Configuration Configuration template Description
c1 Color 1 Color No Color of the dashed border
val Value Boolean Input link Parameter|var Link to the state discrete signal
Only for the "General state (stGen)" and "General state 1 (stGen1)"
val Value Boolean Input link Parameter|var Link to the state discrete signal

3 Addition 1: Adjustment and fitting of elements, construction of complete electrical schemes

This library contains and is intended for the construction of integral electrical schemes of arbitrary configuration of its individual elements, which need to be visually connected to each other so that there are no obvious displacements along the common axis and the intervals between the connection of visual elements, especially for the connection lines and with the ability to have an equally perfect appearance across a wide range of scales, ideally at all.

The need for wide-scale mnemonic schemes is relevant because of the unified construction of the mnemonic schemes in the resolution 900x600 and the ability to perform them on large resolutions of modern displays, when the zoom factor can now reach 10.

Therefore, all imperfections of the manual fitting there will immediately pop up and spoil the picture, since it is difficult to do without special means and on the initial screen of development it is impossible to see them.

Accordingly, the following rules are recommended for fitting the elements to obtain the desired result:

  1. Aligning elements by axis should be performed by centering, or to the left and to the right for elements with several connections at one side, since they are all unified in size 100x100 and at the condition of providing their systematic arrangement on the mnemonic scheme on the same scale, typically 0.2.
  2. Perfect fit is more difficult because there is currently no tool to draw one element to the nearest border of another, and it is possible only at a separate calculation of the coordinates. Therefore, it is recommended to partially overlap one element to another, at 100% development scale, after the previous rule and according to the algorithm:
    • to pull up the second element to the first, in one pixel step (holding down Shift) until the visual gap disappears, that is, the maximum possible distance remaining there will be 1 pixel;
    • compensate this remain by another step of 1 pixel.
At.png When developing at a scale other than 100%, say 150%, we get a maximum compensation of 1*(150/100)=1.5, ie the compensation steps must be the larger whole (ceil) — 2.

Applying these rules can be quite simple to get the result in the figure:

The mnemonic scheme sample with electrical items.
Libs/Electrical_elements/en - GFDLMarch 2025OpenSCADA 0.9.8